Privacy Policy











Privacy Policy


When you contact us, we would like to collect a part of private information such as your company’s name, your name, and your E-Mail address as a mandatory field for an efficient reply to a question made. The information collected is never used for any other purposes other than the one on the above and it is to be preserved properly without being offered to the 3rd party or person to prevent the leak of information. However, it shall not apply to the request made through official formalities with a legal basis and we shall take proper action to what we are requested depending on each situation.

Limitation of Liability:

Accessing to this web site is to be made based on a visitor’s own free will and we are not concerned about any troubles possibly coming from browsing the web site (including a future trouble interlinked with) nor are we responsible for them other than the information offered by us on this web site such as the information on our company and activities including our handling products.

Inquiry Details:

Needless to say, your inquiry details are to be carefully dealt with and preserved as well as private information. However, details of the individual inquiry we need to ask to discuss specifically with a visitor/customer are the ones voluntary made by a visitor/customer at his/her own free will, of which please take note.

Applicable Law:

This web site can be accessed and browsed from any part of the world, but a visitor will be controlled and regulated by the law in Japan and be bund depending on a situation, if necessary.


For a question and a correction of the information posted on the web site, we will sincerely comply with each of them depending on our judgement. Also, though it is overlapped with what is mentioned in the above, visiting and browsing this web site are to be made at a visitor’s free will and therefore, the responsibilities other than the ones mentioned here are subject to a visitor’s own risk and will.