Handling Products: Fe-Si


現在、Fe-Si は日本国内で生産されておらず、弊社は中国、内モンゴル自治区、包頭に位置する協力工場(年間生産量:約30,000トン)にて生産された製品を主体に取扱いをしております。ここで生産したFe-Siを定期的に約3,000トン、チャーターした本船にて中国より輸入し、自社及び契約倉庫にて在庫、そして国内の顧客へ供給を行うという一貫した供給体制を構築しております。




JIS規格(JIS G2302)




Handling Products: Fe-Si


We mainly deal with Fe-Si produced at the factory in cooperation with us in Baotou, Inner-Mongolia, P.R.C. (Number of Production: About 30,000t/y), as the item is not produced locally in Japan anymore. Regularly, we import Fe-Si produced there for 3,000 tons with the break-bulk vessel chartered by ourselves and we have established the framework of the supply to our customers, by integrating our works, importation, storage both at the contracted & our own warehouses, and delivery into that framework.

Furthermore, by making the best use of our overseas networks, we arrange Fe-Si through reliable manufacturers carefully selected by us in countries like Malaysia & Russia without asking major trading houses in Japan for their supports, not sourcing the item in P.R.C. alone as the sourcing country and it can contribute to improve our first-response or readiness to the up-to-date trend in the world market including the price fluctuation. Also, in order to attend and keep up with such the current change in the world market accelerating its speed much more than before as much as possible, we have started to deal with Fe-Si produced at the factory in Kazakhstan for importation to Japanese market since 2019 as the new sourcing country other than the most major one, P.R.C. from B.C.P.’s (Business Continuity Plan) point of view.

In this way, we keenly continue to improve our service and pursue the customers’ satisfaction with stable arrangements of Fe-Si not produced in Japan, by minimizing the basic risk in sourcing overseas to diversify our arrangements themselves according to the actual situations we have faced and realized in the market.

Standard: JIS(JIS G2302)

Chemical Components(%)
FSi275-800.2 max0.05 max0.02 max

Fe-Si Production Process

Fe-Si Production Process