



Import Section

  • 輸入部門1
  • 取扱合金鉄各原産国よりお客様の需要に基づき商社を介さず直接買付した商品を輸入しております。自社で買付から輸入迄一貫して対応する事で市場への追従性と応答性を向上し、また、契約倉庫以外に天井クレーン(2t)やコンテナ開梱用プラットフォームの装備を持つ自社倉庫を駆使する事で調達全体としてのコスト低減を図り、お客様へ寄与させて頂いております。

  • 輸入部門2
  • 輸入部門3
  • 輸入部門4

Transporting Section

  • 輸送部門1
  • 弊社は独自の輸送手段として ダンプトラックx2(増トン)及び平ボディートラックx1(5t)を保有しており、昨今の融通性が低下しつつある既存輸送手段の枠に取らわれる事無く、お客様の要望に対して一定の柔軟性を保持した納入体制を構築しております。


Storage Section

  • 保管部門1
  • 自社で輸入した商品は各商品のお客様の需要及びご希望納入スケジュールに応じて契約・自社倉庫にて商品品質を適切に維持しながら保管・管理を行っております。


  • 保管部門2
  • 保管部門3
  • 保管部門4

Processing Section

  • 加工部門1
  • お客様の多様なご要望にきめ細かく応えて行く為、自社倉庫を中心としてサイズの加工、篩い、フレコンの詰替え、小口袋詰(紙/P.P./麻袋)等の作業を行っております。


  • 加工部門2
  • 加工部門3
  • 加工部門4


We, Daitoku Kogyo Co. Ltd. arrange ferroalloys through manufacturers carefully selected by us as the essential items for a steel making in procurements of secondary materials as one package of the integrated works of arrangements, import, storage, maintenance, processing, and delivery to customers all alone.

For continuous and further improvement to customers’ satisfaction, we specially have been pursuing flexibility on a unit price, a delivery method, and after sales service, not to mention quality of products.

This attitude of procurements has not changed up to today after more than 60 years passed since the establishment of our organization, which is our tradition and such our attitude has been widely accepted by customers as the comprehensive & final quality of one work with a certain value. We have secured some awards offered by customers owing to that attitude.

Import Section

  • Import Section1
  • We source ferroalloys at manufacturers carefully selected by us not through a trading house and import them to Japan, depending on customers’ actual demand in the market. By arranging ferroalloys alone from the beginning of procurements to the end, we improve our flexibility and readiness to demand in the market we have engaged in. Also, other than a contracted warehouse, by making the best use of our own warehouse equipped with a 2t-overhead crane and a platform for container handling operation, we could achieve the reduction of the total costs for procurements and contribute to customers, reflecting it to our products.

  • Import Section2
  • Import Section3
  • Import Section4

Transporting Section

  • Transporting Section1
  • We have owned a dump truck (enhanced load) x 2 and a flat body truck (5t load) x 1 as our own means of transportation and we have established the original delivery system with certain flexibility to customers’ demand without being caught by the range of the existing transportation mode with flexibility being reduced in the current market.

    Specifically, we can deliver the goods to customers even on Saturday, Sunday, a holiday, in the early morning, at midnight, and on urgent, depending on customers’ requests. Also, through making the contracts with multiple careers, we achieve flexible delivery, making a schedule in combination with trucks we have owned to delivery schedules designated by customers. As a result, we can hold certain flexibility to various customers’ requirements for delivery and it can contribute to improve quality of our whole transportation system.

Storage Section

  • Storage Section1
  • We keep and maintain all ferroalloys imported by our own, preserving their quality properly at both our contracted/own warehouses depending on customers’ demand and delivery schedules.

    Further, based on customers’ locations and demand, we make customs clearance at their nearest ports and store the goods properly at the contracted warehouse near by other than Kansai area. We have stored the goods in Kanto, Nagoya, and Kyushu areas as the specific results/examples (As of Feb. 6, 2020).

  • Storage Section2
  • Storage Section3
  • Storage Section4

Processing Section

  • Processing Section1
  • We process the goods, say, adjusting a size, sieving, repacking, subdividing to a small bag (paper/P.P./hemp sack) … etc, mainly at our own warehouse to follow various customers’ needs/requirements finely as much as possible.

    This is one of our unique functions not seen much in other organizations in the same business field.

    Accordingly, by integrating all works of import, delivery, storage/maintenance, and processing by all alone, we can successfully achieve putting the additional value to our goods in distribution without staying the category of existing arrangements and delivery.

  • Processing Section2
  • Processing Section3
  • Processing Section4